How To Make Skate Wax: 6 Simple Steps To Follow

Skate wax is a type of lubricant used in skateboarding and other wheeled sports to reduce friction between the skateboard’s wheels and various surfaces, such as curbs, rails, or ledges. It helps skateboarders perform tricks more smoothly and with less resistance, making it easier to slide or grind on different obstacles.

Skate wax is typically made from a combination of paraffin or beeswax and other additives that enhance its performance. Some skaters prefer harder waxes for smoother surfaces, while softer waxes are often used for rougher surfaces. The choice of wax depends on the type of skateboarding and the terrain where the skater plans to ride. In this article, I will teach you how to make skate wax by yourself by using some simple materials at home. So let’s get started.

Understanding Skate Wax

skateboarding wax

Skate wax, an essential tool in a skateboarder’s kit, serves as a medium to reduce friction between a skateboard’s undercarriage and the surface it grinds on.

This useful substance enables smoother movement and more extended grinds and mitigates potential damage to the skateboard and the surface, especially on rough or uneven areas.

In essence, skate wax lubricates the points of contact between a skateboard and an object, promoting better sliding or grinding.

Types of Skate Wax

There are two main types of skate wax:

  • Commercial
  • Homemade

Commercial Skate Wax often comes in various shapes, sizes, and even scents designed to reduce friction.

These commercial options typically use a blend of paraffin, beeswax, and other substances like oil or petroleum jelly to create a product with good melting points and lubrication properties. On the other hand, they can be expensive and not as eco-friendly due to their packaging.

Homemade or DIY Skate Wax, on the other hand, provides an alternative that’s easy on the wallet and the environment. It can be made from accessible, inexpensive, and sometimes even upcycled ingredients, such as old candles and crayons.

Moreover, creating your skate wax at home offers the flexibility of customizing the wax’s hardness, scent, and color based on your preferences and needs.

The science behind skate wax is quite simple. When applied to a surface, skate wax creates a thin, slick layer that reduces the friction between that surface and the skateboard’s trucks or deck.

The less friction there is, the smoother and faster your skateboard will slide or grind on a surface. Skate wax effectively reduces the amount of grip a surface has, making it easier for skateboarders to execute grinds and slides.

Using skate wax is fundamental in skateboarding, especially when performing tricks that involve grinding or sliding on surfaces such as ledges, rails, or curbs.

Skate wax not only enables these tricks to be performed smoothly and efficiently but also prolongs the lifespan of the skateboard deck and trucks by reducing the wear and tear caused by friction.

Preparing to Make Your DIY Skate Wax

Creating your skate wax can be a fulfilling and cost-effective endeavor. However, like any DIY project, it requires adequate preparation to ensure the process goes smoothly and safely. This section will guide you on the necessary materials for making skate wax, safety precautions, procedures, and how to determine the type and amount of wax to make.

Necessary Materials and Where to Source Them

The beauty of DIY skate wax is its simplicity; it requires minimal ingredients that are often readily available. Here’s a list of the basic materials you’ll need:

  • Paraffin Wax: This is the primary component of your skate wax. Paraffin wax can be found in most grocery or craft stores in the candle-making section. Alternatively, it’s easily available online.
  • Beeswax or Soy Wax: To add a touch of hardness to your skate wax, you’ll need either beeswax or soy wax. These types of wax are generally available at local craft stores or online.
  • Oil: Adding oil to your wax mixture can increase its glide performance. Regular cooking oils like coconut, olive, or petroleum jelly are perfect.
  • A Heat Source: You’ll need a stovetop or a hot plate for melting the wax.
  • A Double Boiler or DIY Equivalent: A double boiler ensures the wax melts evenly without burning. If you don’t have one, you can make your own by placing a heat-safe bowl over a pot of boiling water.
  • Mold or Container: Any non-stick, heat-safe mold will work. Silicone baking molds are popular, but even a cleaned-out tin can, or an old plastic container can work.
  • Optional Additives: For personalization, consider adding coloring agents or scented oils. These can be sourced from craft stores or online.

Safety Precautions and Procedures While Making Skate Wax

Creating your skate wax involves dealing with heated materials that can cause injury if not handled correctly. Here are some safety precautions to keep in mind:

  • Avoid Direct Heat: Never heat the wax directly over a flame or heat source. Use a double boiler or its equivalent to melt the wax gradually and prevent overheating or flaring.
  • Proper Ventilation: Ensure the room you’re working in is well-ventilated. While melting, wax can release fumes that might be uncomfortable to inhale.
  • Protective Gear: Wear heat-resistant gloves to prevent burns from hot wax or containers. Also, consider wearing aprons or old clothes, as wax can be difficult to remove from fabric.
  • Emergency Preparations: Keep a fire extinguisher or baking soda nearby to extinguish any accidental fires. Water can cause a grease fire to flare up, so avoid using it.

Deciding the Type and Amount of Wax Make

The type and amount of skate wax you should make largely depend on your skating habits and preferences.

If you’re a heavy wax user who skates daily, making a large batch might save you time in the long run. On the contrary, smaller batches would be more appropriate if you’re new to skateboarding or rarely use wax.

In terms of type, consider your most frequent skating surfaces. Harder wax, achieved by adding more beeswax or soy wax, is ideal for metal rails or ledges. A softer wax with more paraffin and oil would work best if you primarily skate on plastic or painted surfaces.

How to Make Skate Wax – Step-By-Step Guide

Making your skate wax can be both fun and rewarding. Here’s a simple guide to get you started on this DIY project:

Steps to Make Skateboarding Wax

  1. Preparation: Gather all your materials and have them within reach. Make sure your work area is clean, well-ventilated, and free of any flammable materials.
  2. Melting the Wax: Place equal parts of paraffin wax and beeswax or soy wax in your double boiler or equivalent. Melt over medium heat, stirring occasionally for even melting.
  3. Adding Oil: Add your oil once the wax has fully melted and mixed. The general rule of thumb is to add a teaspoon of oil for every cup of wax used. Stir thoroughly until well combined.
  4. Pouring the Mixture: Carefully pour the molten wax mixture into your chosen mold or container. Be sure to do this slowly to avoid spills and potential burns.
  5. Cooling and Setting: Allow the wax to cool at room temperature. This can take anywhere from a few hours to overnight, depending on the size of your wax.
  6. Unmolding: Once fully set, remove the wax from the mold. If the wax sticks, you can place it in the freezer for a few minutes to make removing it easier.

Tips and Tricks to Follow

  • Stir Gently: When melting and mixing your wax, stir gently to avoid creating bubbles, which can cause your finished wax to have a crumbly texture.
  • Oil Addition: If you need help deciding how much oil to add, start with a smaller amount. You can always add more oil during the next batch if you want a softer wax.
  • Test Before Full Use: Once your wax is set, test it on a small, unnoticeable area of your skateboard to ensure it delivers the desired performance.
  • Experiment: Feel free to try different ratios of wax and oil. Add colorants or scented oils to customize your skate wax to your preference.

Common Issues That May Arise and How to Troubleshoot Them

  • Crumbly Wax: If your finished wax is too crumbly, it’s likely due to too much beeswax, soy wax, or insufficient oil. Adjust your ratios for the next batch.
  • Wax is Too Soft: If your wax is too soft and melts easily in the sun, try reducing the amount of oil or adding more beeswax or soy wax.
  • Wax Stuck in Mold: If your wax doesn’t come out of the mold, pop it in the freezer for a few minutes to harden it and make it easier to remove.

Making DIY skate wax is a process that requires some trial and error. Keep going even if your first few batches aren’t perfect. You can create the ideal skate wax tailored to your needs with patience and practice.

Choosing Your Skate Wax: Commercial or DIY?

Regarding skating wax, skateboarders often choose between commercial products and DIY options. Each choice has unique advantages and disadvantages, depending on the skater’s specific needs and preferences.

Pros and Cons of Commercial Skate Wax

Commercial skate wax is professionally made and is generally easy to use. A significant advantage is its convenience. It’s ready-made and often comes in various options catering to different needs.

Whether you prefer softer wax for plastic rails or harder wax for metal rails, there’s a product for you. Additionally, commercial wax is usually formulated to offer excellent slide performance and long-lasting effects.

However, the convenience of commercial skate wax comes with some downsides. First, the cost. Compared to making your wax, commercial options can be expensive, especially if you’re an avid skater who goes through wax frequently.

Second, commercial waxes can sometimes contain undisclosed ingredients or additives that may not be environmentally friendly. Lastly, not all commercial skate waxes are created equal; some may offer less than optimal performance, leaving skaters constantly searching for the perfect product.

Pros and Cons of DIY Skate Wax

Opting to make your skate wax at home offers a slew of benefits. The most significant advantage is the cost-effectiveness.

Most DIY skate wax recipes include everyday household items like paraffin wax and oil, making it a cheaper alternative in the long run. Plus, there’s the satisfaction of creating a product that caters to your exact needs. You can adjust the hardness or softness and add scents or colors for personalization.

However, DIY skate wax also has its set of challenges. The process can be time-consuming and messy, especially for first-timers.

A trial and error aspect also involves getting the right consistency and performance. Adjust your recipe several times before finding the perfect blend. Also, safety is crucial as you’ll be dealing with hot materials that can cause burns if mishandled.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Between Commercial and DIY Skate Wax

Several factors come into play when deciding between commercial and DIY skate wax. Commercial wax is the way to go if you prioritize convenience and are willing to pay for it. This choice also works if you’re starting and need clarification on your preferences.

On the other hand, if you’re cost-conscious, enjoy hands-on projects, or have specific needs not met by commercial products, making your skate wax might be the better option. You have total control over what goes into your wax, allowing for customization.

How to Apply and Store Skate Wax

After successfully creating your homemade skate wax, the next steps are understanding how to apply it correctly for optimum performance and storing it effectively to maintain its quality.

How to Properly Apply Skate Wax for Optimum Performance

Proper application of skate wax significantly impacts the overall performance of your tricks. The key is to use it sparingly and only where necessary. Here are steps to guide you:

  • Identify the Spot: The first step is to identify the surfaces on which you’ll perform your tricks, ledges, curbs, or rails.
  • Clean the Area: Wipe down the surface you’ll be applying wax on to remove dust and debris. A clean surface helps the wax adhere better and spread more evenly.
  • Apply the Wax: Hold your skate wax flat against the surface and rub it back and forth until there’s a thin, even layer of wax. Apply it to the entire area you’ll be sliding or grinding on.
  • Please test it Out: After application, give it a test run. If your board sticks or doesn’t slide as smoothly as you’d like, apply more wax.

Remember, less is more when it comes to waxing. Excessive wax can make the surface dangerously slippery and cause accidents.

Proper Storage and Preservation of Skate Wax

Proper storage of your skate wax extends its life and maintains its effectiveness. Store your wax in a cool, dry place from direct sunlight to prevent it from melting or becoming too soft. Placing it in an airtight container can also help protect it from dust and other elements affecting its quality. If you’ve made a large batch of wax, consider dividing it into smaller pieces and only taking out what you need for each session.

Warning Signs That Your Skate Wax Has Gone Bad and Needs Replacement

While skate wax doesn’t necessarily “expire,” there are a few warning signs that your wax has deteriorated in quality:

Changes in Consistency: If your wax becomes overly hard, crumbly, or too soft and gooey even in cool temperatures, it’s likely past its prime.

Performance Issues: If your wax isn’t providing the same level of slide performance it used to, it might be time for a new batch.

Visible Contaminants: If your wax has gathered a lot of debris, dust, or dirt, it’s best to replace it. These particles can scratch or damage the surfaces you’re waxing.

By paying attention to these warning signs, you can always use high-quality skate wax to enhance your skateboarding experience.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the essential ingredients for making DIY skate wax?

The essential ingredients for making DIY skate wax are paraffin wax, beeswax or soy wax, and oil. You can also add optional ingredients like coloring agents or scented oils for personalization.

Is buying commercial skate wax or making it at home safer?

Both options are safe as long as they are used correctly. If you make your skate wax, you should always follow safety procedures like ensuring proper ventilation and using a double boiler to prevent overheating or flaring.

How do I apply skate wax correctly?

To apply skate wax correctly, identify and clean the surfaces you’ll perform tricks on. Then rub your skate wax back and forth on the surface until there’s a thin, even layer. Avoid over-applying; starting with less and adding more as needed is always better.

How should I store my DIY skate wax?

Store your skate wax in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to prevent it from melting. Using an airtight container can also help to protect it from dust and other potential contaminants.

How can I tell if my skate wax has gone bad?

If your wax changes in consistency, becoming overly hard, crumbly, or too soft even in cool temperatures, it might be past its prime. Performance issues, like lessened slide ability or visible contaminants, are signs that your wax may need replacing.


Hi, I'm Mazahir. I love traveling, sports and adventure. I’m constantly trying to learn new skills and specifically skateboarding skills. And reviewing skateboarding products is one of my favorite hobbies. You can follow me to get connected and if you have any questions.